Each year, scores of agencies join the Placement Partner family. What makes Placement Partner the favourite system of recruiters in South Africa?


Latency – it’s a thing. While entry-level and even some high-end systems tend to be hosted in low-cost data-centres thousands of kilometres away, our server cluster is locally hosted on the fastest servers available.
While other systems may boast a thousand users in a dozen or more countries, we have several thousand users in South Africa alone. That means our development is solely funded by and thus focused on improving the efficiency of the South African recruitment business. It also means we can justify the expenditure required to provide the best support and related services in this market.
Being the #1 most popular recruitment software provider in the South African market, with most of our clients on month-to-month contracts, we have everything to lose if we don’t provide utmost reliability and trustworthiness as custodians of your biggest asset – your data. Our reputation has been built over the last almost two decades on unmatched uptime and zero data breaches.
We have dedicated local support who speak the local lingo. We’re also available in local office hours unlike many overseas support teams. If a manager or a consultant has an urgent question, she can pick up the phone and talk to somebody.
Our training is done face to face. We believe in relationship building. Partnership. It’s the only way when you are dealing with something as mission critical as the system on which you run your entire business and host every grain of recruitment data you’ll ever have. With offices in Gauteng and Cape Town plus regular trips to other major centres, we are best placed to train and retrain your team as required.
We offer the best customised CV in the world, as far as we know. Although it requires a fair bit of development time, for our larger clients, we set this up for free. And we allow a reasonable number of free changes as required over time. You can even have more than one customised CV template. Need a customised report, exportable in xls format? We can do that for you. Need other custom forms like regret letters, proforma invoices, contracts? Can do.
The Placement Partner PostBox is a feature that not many competitors have. The reason is that it requires an entire extra database with UNLIMITED capacity which needs to be fully searchable, be able to identify duplicates as they arise and allow both bulk operations as well as screening notes.
No system in the world is more tightly integrated with all the major South African job boards. Our two-way integration (not just multi-posting) means that applicants are brought directly into your Placement Partner Postbox for screening.
Things like Candidate hotlist, Video interviewing, Merging duplicate applications, recruitment CRM functionality, Configurable Job Sectors and Functions (as well as dozens of other fields), User access control by time of day, Flexible license allocation and the list goes on for a long, long time, all while keeping the core system simple and easy to use.
Overseas systems and even entry-level local systems tend not to be able to offer local text messaging. Placement Partner has tightly integrated and fully-fledged SMS features.
Lastly there is the matter of cost-effectiveness. Since inception, we have always kept our price adjustments in line with CPI inflation – there has never been an increase beyond inflationary adjustments.


Placement Partner is very focused on the South African recruiter’s needs, whereas other packages tend to try and cater for multiple regions. “One size fits world” is nice for the vendor and enables them to keep prices low and profits high, but not optimal for the recruiter who has to make do with software originally developed for a different market.


Latency – it’s a thing. While entry-level and even some high-end systems tend to be hosted in low-cost data-centres thousands of kilometres away, our server cluster is locally hosted on the fastest servers available. That means you don’t wait as long for page loads. You can be offered all the features in the world, but a slow system will ruin the experience. We have full control over our servers and are not at the mercy of random updates and policy changes by our provider, which is not the case when you are a small fish hosted at a global provider.


While other systems may boast a thousand users in a dozen or more countries, we have several thousand users in South Africa alone. That means our development is solely funded by and thus focused on improving the efficiency of the South African recruitment business. It also means we can justify the expenditure required to provide the best support and related services in this market.


Being the #1 most popular recruitment software provider in the South African market, with most of our clients on month-to-month contracts, we have everything to lose if we don’t provide utmost reliability and trustworthiness as custodians of your biggest asset – your data. Our reputation has been built over the last almost two decades on unmatched uptime and zero data breaches.


We have dedicated local support who speak the local lingo.

We’re also available in local office hours unlike many overseas support teams. If a manager or a consultant has an urgent question, she can pick up the phone and talk to somebody.


Our training is done face to face. We believe in relationship building. Partnership. It’s the only way when you are dealing with something as mission critical as the system on which you run your entire business and host every grain of recruitment data you’ll ever have. With offices in Gauteng and Cape Town plus regular trips to other major centres, we are best placed to train and retrain your team as required.


We offer the best customised CV in the world, as far as we know. Although it requires a fair bit of development time, for our larger clients, we set this up for free. And we allow a reasonable number of free changes as required over time. You can even have more than one customised CV template.

Need a customised report, exportable in xls format? We can do that for you.

Need other custom forms like regret letters, proforma invoices, contracts? Can do.


The Placement Partner PostBox is a feature that not many competitors have. The reason is that it requires an entire extra database with UNLIMITED capacity which needs to be fully searchable, be able to identify duplicates as they arise and allow both bulk operations as well as screening

notes, quick view capability and of course facilitate the easy capturing of data for candidates that have been selected for pulling across to the quality Candidate Database. In this way one avoids flooding your candidate database with incomplete data or candidates that aren’t skilled enough or suitable for the type of positions you typically fill.


No system in the world is more tightly integrated with all the major South African job boards. Our two-way integration (not just multi-posting) means that applicants are brought directly into your Placement Partner Postbox for screening.


Things like Candidate hotlist, Video interviewing, Merging duplicate applications, recruitment CRM functionality, Configurable Job Sectors and Functions (as well as dozens of other fields), User access control by time of day, Flexible license allocation and the list goes on for a long, long time, all while keeping the core system simple and easy to use.


Overseas systems and even entry-level local systems tend not to be able to offer local text messaging. Placement Partner has tightly integrated and fully-fledged SMS features:

  • Bilateral SMS means that candidates can ANSWER your SMS by simply replying
  • Messages SENT and RECEIVED are RECORDED on their profiles!
  • Quick SMS allows you to send an SMS to any person in your database in the blink of an eye, quicker even than sending one on your phone. And it’s recorded automatically. “Dear @Name, would you be interested & available for this position? #link to vacancy”
  • You can post-date SMS “Dear @Name, Happy Birthday! Best wishes from your favourite recruiter”
  • Bulk SMS – create a list from any of your databases or upload your own list e.g. call-centre operators “Available to start 1 October? Simply answer YES for more info!”
  • Templates – use your own SMS templates to compose standard messages e.g. Dear @name, please see our new website for available positions, regards @recruiter”


Lastly there is the matter of cost-effectiveness. Since inception, we have always kept our price adjustments in line with CPI inflation – there has never been an increase beyond inflationary adjustments. So you have the peace of mind that your system will scale according to your needs and the price will always be fair.

We don’t play games with our pricing – the last thing you want to find out is that your competitor is paying less per user for their Placement Partner than you are. Our price-list, referral discount and bulk discount structure is the same for all. And of course it’s in good old ZAR, so currency fluctuations and forex fees aren’t a worry.


The SaaS model is mutually beneficial: you get the service and support and we have the continued revenue stream to continue to develop and deliver a top quality service offering. And, because our digital world is moving at such an accelerated pace, you’ve got the peace of mind that you will not be stuck with last year’s technology.


In a nutshell: peace of mind. If a vendor tries to lock you into a long-term contract, they have something to hide. Instead of buying a recruitment system package as a product or a long-term annual subscription and never hearing from the seller again, Placement Partner offers our web-based technology as a monthly service, which means you pay a monthly subscription and receive all the support you need for the system to run optimally in your business. You also have the option to cancel your subscription on a month’s notice. Of course, we offer annual contracts and longer, but the choice is yours to make, nobody else’s.