
Results from the SA Recruitment Survey 2010

Results from the SA Recruitment Survey 2010 reveals that only 38% of employers and 37% of agencies are currently using a Recruitment Management System (RMS) to manage applications and build up their own talent pool.

Another alarming result is that 80% of recruiters rely on print media. Recruiters therefore need to move away from cold calling and instead develop a process that attracts clients to them because they see you have the expertise that might be able to help them. By using Placement Partner you create this important ability to attract, manage and stay in contact with your candidates setting you apart from the competition.

Some recent extracts from the Apsogram 4th quarterly Edition 2010 Article: What HR Managers want – page 25 – highlights why Placement Partner is an indispensable tool for your business:

“Don’t send me CVs you found on a job board. I’m already looking there myself “and “Don’t send me junk CV’s”

 Placement Partner offers automatic creation of candidate CVs and other documents based on your Company templates as well as a highly evolved search engine that includes automatic candidate to job spec matching.

“Keep reminding me where we are in the process…”

 Placement Partner offers a unique call tracking and reminder system to assist you and improve the service you offer.

“Complete reference checks for me”

 Placement Partner offers a unique management tool to ensure that you complete all the required reference and other checks required by your clients.

“Show appreciation to me”

 Placement Partner offers an integrated Bulk SMS messaging system with message templates such as Birthday wishes for your clients and candidates alike.

Placement Partner is clearly geared towards not only the latest requirement of the Recruiting Industry but also to those of their Clients respectively.