POPUP – the People Upliftment Program – a non-profit organization based in Pretoria, has gained the support of Placement Partner recruitment software to assist with the charitable work that they do.
POPUP is a ministry of the Doxa Deo Group that focus holistically on the restoration of unemployed people’s lives by providing education and skills training to the unemployed with no tertiary education, who are English literate and between 18 and 45 years of age.
POPUP helps underprivileged communities through a holistic approach by addressing their physical, emotional, mental and spiritual needs. This approach has received acclaim from government, welfare organisations, businesses and church groups. Irrespective of race, culture, gender or religion, POPUP helps the unemployed by offering 10 Seta Accredited Skills Programmes such as Computer/Office Administration, Home-based Care, Hospitality and Sewing.
POPUP trained 3 185 learners and placed 77% of them in employment over the past six and a half years and also invests in learners who want to start with their own business ventures. Together with the corporate world, learners develop
during a year-long incubation phase taking place under the watchful eye of a facilitator who monitors quality and standards.
Placement Partner joined hands with POPUP by providing their Job Placement Programme with the popular Placement Partner recruitment system in order to assist with the paperless management of applicants and potential Employers alike. This leading recruitment software system will assist them in their initiative to place the candidates who have been equipped by their skills programme into contract and permanent positions.
For more information on POPUP, visit their website www.popup.co.za