Feature Update – A Modern Twist on the Vacancy List!

The tech team have just completed the restyling of the iFrame which displays your list of vacancy adverts on your website, giving it a fresh new look as shown here –

Here are some of the distinctive differences you will notice:
The new Keyword search function, which has recently been added to the advertising tab on your vacancies page, will now also have an effect on the vacancy list on your website.
Candidates can use the search bar at the top of your vacancy page to find the right jobs in an instant.

The entire page has been redesigned to be more visually open and flowing, making the info easier to spot and comprehend at a glance.
We added some fun colours to liven things up! The Sector and Function, Vacancy type and Vacancy Reference Number are being displayed more prominently with colour coding to make your candidate’s searching experience easier and more enjoyable.
We also added some eye-catching icons to indicate the Location and Salary.
And have you see our brand new Share button?
Slicker than your average sharing function! Click on it and a number of icons will pop out indicating the variety of platforms for your candidates to choose from. The options include Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, E-mail and WhatsApp!
This is a massively valuable tool which allows your candidates to refer friends to this particular vacancy. The added bonus is that any applications coming in from this shared link will flow directly into your PostBox too.

Top tip!
Remember to actively ask your candidates to refer their friends. It may seem obvious to you that they should do so but often it honestly doesn’t even occur to most, until you bring it to mind.
This feature is scheduled to be rolled out to all Placement Partner systems early next week.
Looking to activate this feature immediately?
Contact Support to make the switch today.
Until then, happy recruiting!