Everyone on the Placement Partner team is held to a high standard when it comes to practicing what we teach. When we advise and educate recruiters, we use methods that we know are feasible and effective! The Reminders tool in Placement Partner is one of the features we’ve grown to love.
The importance of reminders is often overlooked, but setting them up makes sense!
We are not capable of remembering everything. Offloading some of our responsibilities to technology might also free up mental space for more important duties. Even if we forget, reminders help us remember our most critical priorities.
More benefits of Reminders:
- Provides consistency across the team.
- Provides transparency – empowering leadership to support through value added conversations and the ability for recruitment consultants to learn from one another. A successful recruiter’s reminders will give you a blueprint of their success, which can be mapped across the team.
- Provides information for well planned, value adding conversations for candidates and clients that moves activity through the pipeline.
- Drives revenue generating activity daily.
- Gives a sense of reward and motivation throughout the day.
- Staying on top of things helps us to take on even more, giving us further scope to create sustainable success.
Want to know more? Visit https://www.placementpartner.com/blog/ to access more self-help videos!
Need a little refresher to get the team going? Need a system that will give you a competitive edge? sales@parallel.co.za.