
Share what? Share this!

Share This is an innovative sharing platform allowing you to post messages and information to social media and sharing services.  Placement Partner has added the Share This tool to all your web adverts, to put your adverts to work!  Candidates can now share your web adverts with their friends via email, Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Yahoo Pulse or any other of close to 100 destinations.  No longer are your job adverts limited to your website, with Share This your adverts will go viral!  Placement Partner clients can expect to see an increase in their advertising audience and ad response which of course means more placements, more often!

Just another new feature by the always innovative Placement Partner Team.



This feature is part of our web integration service which enables you to advertise vacancies directly onto your website.  If you would like to make use of this service or you would like to find out more about our social media applications, email support@parallel.co.za for more information.